Program Overview
LEVEL ONE or A1/A2 "Discovery and Survival
At the end of this level, the learner should be able to
Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very simple statements aimed at satisfying concrete needs.
In addition, he/she will be able to introduce him/herself or someone else and ask and answer questions about where he/she lives, who he/she knows, what he/she owns, etc. Communicate in a simple manner if the speaker speaks slowly and clearly and is supportive.
LEVEL TWO or B1 "Threshold”
At the end of this level, the learner should be able to
Understand and begin to explore the English-speaking world with frequently used expressions related to immediate areas of emphasis (e.g., simple personal and family information, shopping, local environment, work). Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Describe in simple terms his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need and deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the target language is spoken.
LEVEL THREE or B2 " Mastery ".
At the end of this level, the learner should be able to :
- Listen to and understand the speaker whether he/she is using clear or standard language and whether or not he/she is talking about familiar or unfamiliar topics related to work, school, travel or leisure, etc.
- Produce communicative and coherent discourse on a variety of topics as well as in his/her areas of interest.
Tell about an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and explain short reasons or explanations for a project or an idea.
LEVEL FOUR or C2 " Proficiency ".
At the end of this level, the learner should be able to:
- Understand the true content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in his/her specialty or in another field of choice.
- Communicate with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes conversation with a native speaker possible without strain for either party.
- Expresses himself/herself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, expresses an opinion on a current topic and explains the advantages and disadvantages of various options.